Saturday, January 2, 2010

Diapers Direct Which One Of The Following Statements Reflects The Most Desirable Role For Men In An Early Childhood Setting?

Which one of the following statements reflects the most desirable role for men in an early childhood setting? - diapers direct

a. Men are the managers of large and women are better caregivers directly, because they yearsof experience in this field.
b. due to problems of child abuse, should not men change diapers or provide similar care for infants and young children in the centers of early childhood.
c. People in the world uncomfartable especially women of child-care providers, so it is not, of course, very involved.
d. Men can and must participate in the lives of children at all levels, because people are a natural part of every child in the world.


ditzi_k said...

a comprehensive statement. It really depends on the person. from a fund with violence in it I would be a bit suspicious, but with experience, that men such as love and care than women) are sometimes more (and not a spooky way to go was with D.

yogi said...

I'm not sure what would be the desirable role role.D more desirable. I think that is C - the (true) best answer, but also to B --- linked because people's concerns, the company has to know the people around him.

metimote... said...

I agree with everyone so far: "People can and should participate in the lives of children at all levels, because people are a natural part of the world for all children" and "You do really begin to answer questions from the task itself .

As a man and a lifelong educator, I firmly believe that men should be more active in the nursing care of children. However, many men are not adequately trained to care for young children, and I dare not (enough) to pursue a career in education in early childhood. In addition to deter, stereotypes and scare most people away, in the programs that prepare them best for his supervisor. I began my career in education working with children of school age, but since I with children of preschool age.

I must say that I agree with the statement that "for reasons of violence against children, should not men change diapers or similar care for infants and young children in the centers offer children's shoes. Are in my previous job working with preschool age children do not fUlly no layers, happy that her change her diapers. Ugh! However, "d" is the best answer above.

fluflu66 said...

I am a man of the EEC. I think the C in question is true. When I got my permit is requested, I went on a 2-year program with 49 women. I was the only male student and was one of their teachers. All the programs I've worked, had little men. There is stigma and prejudices that I had to deal with the big moment. I think it's just a matter of injustice. I shot like a whisper of something that is still considered inadequate, the program may be corrupted and ultimately the care of children. I hope that all people who see this listing find a way to bring the people into their program. I doubt that many will come in the framework of the EEC (especially infants and toddlers) and put them in any way.? In reality he was a mentor in the field by a friend .... Anyway, I think your question is a good start for discussion, but too far. I just an article from my hero Dan Gartrell, entitled "Children and teachers MEN" is a small excerpt:
"Very few people teaching classes in early childhood. In a 2002 study, says Nelson Âșonly 4 percent of NAEYC members are men who just seems to work with children (98 percent of the sample of members of the Nelson NAEYC important for men to become teachers in early childhood) (Nelson, 2002). About the chronic problem of low wages in early childhood, suggests the study by Nelson, that stereotypes about men have male teachers, the application rate of recruitment and retention of all, unfortunately, kept low (Nelson, 2002).
I wish you much luck and I encourage the full article to read, perhaps for another discussion on men in ECE.

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